Anti Lemas After Having Sexual Eat These Foods

Anti Lemas After Having Sexual Eat These Foods

 Sexual intercourse is a form of exercise. So it's not impossible sexual relationship can make you run out of energy.
However, you certainly do not want to feel weak after sexual intercourse, is not it? Therefore, you should replace the power that has been used for sexual intercourse with food.

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Certain foods can replace your energy quickly. Reporting from Fitness Republic, Friday (02/09/2017), here are the best foods to replace your energy after sexual intercourse.
1. Milk cokelatSiapa who do not like it? Even with lactose intolerance, you may still enjoy this drink. Milk chocolate is not only delicious, but also a source of protein and good carbohydrates. Chocolate milk can also provide hydration for the body after sexual intercourse.
A study also proved that the ratio of carbohydrates and protein in chocolate milk is perfect for muscle recovery after exercise. Milk chocolate gives glycogen, sodium, and fluid is also beneficial for the body.
2. Greek yogurtBagi enthusiasts of Greek yogurt, the food is very easy and good to eat after sexual intercourse. Contains a lot of good fats and protein, Greek yogurt is very good for muscle recovery. Add fruit to add vitamins and nutrients.
3. Apples and kejuMakanan can provide energy from carbohydrates and protein content. Apples contain sugar and carbohydrates satisfy hunger. While cheese can accelerate muscle recovery with high protein content.


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