Stable After Weight Loss Diet, What is the secret?

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Stable After Weight Loss Diet, What is the secret?
- Maintaining weight after the diet is often considered more difficult than lower it. Deviate slightly from the rules, the weight slowly back naik.Hal is recognized Larasaty Aprilia (27 years old). Employees field distributors successfully lose weight by 18 kilograms in three months after the competition Light Weight Challenge 2014. However, he admitted afterwards his weight fluctuated. "Never ride during Eid or when it does not follow the rules of the diet. Rising a little hell, at least 1 or 2 kilogram. If so, must adhere to the rules again so that the weight back down, "said Larasaty.Menurut Larasaty, self-control is of key importance in maintaining weight loss. Opinion was confirmed by a specialist weight-loss clinic Lighthouse, Grace Judio. "The inability to control one's self become the main factor causing weight gain and unstable," Grace said as quoted by the website Lighthouse, Saturday (05/21/2016) Another .Faktor cause a person difficult to maintain weight, she continued, is the environment. Often followed the invitation of friends to eat together, for example, could derail a diet program that has been painstakingly acted. "We have to be firm with the commitment that was made. Not to give up easily, "said Grace.Meski Thus, following an invitation eating together with friends is fine to do, origin remain observant sort out the right kinds of foods. Lighthouse clinical nutritionist, Eva Kurniawati, gives guidance on the type of food that is good for weight maintenance. "Limit refined sugar, oil and flour. Also, choose low-fat toppings such as lean meat, skinless chicken breast, fish, and egg white. Processing (choose) baked, sauteed, steamed, or boiled, "said Eva.Selain it, he pleaded, always look for the amount of food consumed. You need to know the needs of calories in a day and the number of calories you've dikonsumsi.Kontrol diriSeperti Larasaty and strengthening Grace said, self-control to keep the weight indeed be the key. However, this is not easily done by most people.
Thinkstockphotos IlustrasiPsikolog Lightouse weight-loss clinic, Tara Adisti de Thouars revealed, there are some things you can do to improve self-control. Only eat hungry, one satunya.Dia also reminded, do not eat food when not hungry. Eating should be aimed at satisfying the stomach, not your tongue. "If you keep eating while being satisfied, the sign you over indulged rather than rational thought," Tara said as quoted by the website Lighthouse, Saturday (05/21/2016) .In addition, quality dining needs take precedence over quantity. Tara suggested having done slowly and enjoy the portion was reasonable. "The trick, chew (food) slowly and keep in tune taste in the mouth. If our goal is to enjoy the food, the tendency to increase the size of the meal will be lower, "said Tara.Tara added, eating habits combine with other activities-such as reading or watching television-should not be done. A person will not focus eat and enjoy the food when done in conjunction with activities lain.Larasaty also provide another important point to be remembered for successfully maintain weight. Remember back in the fight when it began to lose weight! call dia.Selamat maintaining ideal weight!


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